Gevelstenen Speurtocht

Maastricht has a thing for gable stones.They make a link to the life of the Maastricht citizen from the period 1600-1800. You will search for gable stones in Maastricht during this scavenger hunt. This scavenger hunt is the result of a collaboration with Friends of Maastricht Facade Stones Foundation.
Each page shows a facing brick and navigation to corresponding street. Find the facade stone and enter the house number!

What is your team's name?

1 / 14

17 In de groene staadeler 77
👉🏻 ROUTE Hoogbrugstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

2 / 14

In den gouden leeuw
👉🏻 ROUTE Rechtstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

3 / 14

👉🏻 Wycker Smedenstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

4 / 14

In de stadt ceulen
👉🏻 Stenenwal 👈🏻
House number brick?

5 / 14

In the three pegs
👉🏻 Kesselskade 👈🏻
House number brick?

6 / 14

👉🏻 Jodenstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

7 / 14

17 Au cheval noir 43
👉🏻 Sint Bernardusstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

8 / 14

Sint Martinus
👉🏻 Grote Looiersstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

9 / 14

In de gulde sterre
👉🏻 Kakeberg 👈🏻
House number brick?

10 / 14

17 wine barrel 37
👉🏻 Lenculenstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

11 / 14

the emperor
👉🏻 Batterijstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

12 / 14

👉🏻 Bassinkade 👈🏻
House number brick?

13 / 14

Anno la covp dor 1673
👉🏻 Wycker Brugstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

14 / 14

👉🏻 Stationsstraat 👈🏻
House number brick?

Your score is
